"If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales."
~Albert Einstein
Preschool & Pre-K Program
Preschool & Pre-K
Ages 3, 4, 5 Years Old
Student/Teacher Ratio:
Preschool 3-1, it is 10/1
Preschool 3-2, it is 8/1
Pre-K is 12/1
Our curriculum runs hand in hand with our local Green School District. We have personal relationships that build our curriculum to help your child adjust ahead of any learning curve for Kindergarten preparation. There is special attention given to every student embarking on the transition into bigger classes and the school years ahead. It comes about so fast, so having a community of care with our parents is our upmost essential goal. Repetition along with guided focus on essential knowledge is key; we give your young one playtime to relax and enjoying being with friends in his/her room. This social experience is very important! Your child will get repetitive lessons in their name, number, address, counting to 100, shapes both 2nd and 3rd dimensional, and all colors, as well as other standard learning concepts. Our teachers are required to have an Associates in Child Development Associates (CDA) or above to teach our Pre-K and Preschool 3-1 classes.
At this time Green Schools are using Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Responsible and we use this as well so our kids are prepared for Green Kindergarten. We also work very very hard on phonics - using the same guide book as Green Kindergarten uses.
Class Time
Our Preschool (3 year old), and our Pre-K ( 4 year old) program runs every day - 8:30 to 11:30, this is our Pre-K and Preschool learning times.
During ths time we focus on the educational elements.
We have 2 Preschool Sessions in 2 separate rooms with separate teachers and curriculum.
Our Preschool 1 program is for those students who have turned 3 by August 1 of each year.
Our Preschool 2 program is for those who are 3 but not 3 by the cut off of August 1.
Each class has its own curriculum based on the individual needs of the students in the classroom.
We allow parents who need Preschool or Pre-K only and do not need all day care to attend in the morning sessions. We do ask a minimum of 3 days in our Pre-K environment for continuity of learning and preparation for Kindergarten.
What is important to remember is that the children are not always on "our" schedule. We listen and fill their needs each day, if they want craft earlier in the afternoon, that is okay! They visit the restrooms when necessary and they are permitted to the drinking fountain whenever they wish. We also take attendance every hour and at every transition time- i.e. restroom breaks, when a child leaves, anytime the classroom has moved from one activity to another and the children have moved we take attendance.
Lunch Time Daily 11:00 - 12:00, then our little ones nap from 12:00 - 2:00
What is important about us and our lunches is that we serve kid friendly meals that our children like and eat very well. We serve plenty of food, a lot of fruits, vegetables, chicken and turkey more often than beef! Your child will enjoy his/her meals with us!
We are always ready to offer a meal outside of "meal time".
Your schedule is busy, & we always make sure your child has a good meal, no matter what time he or she arrives!!
Our daily snacks consist of crackers, cheeses, fruits, 100% fruit juice, pretzels, corn chips, cookies (once in a while, not very often), chips, animal crackers, milk, specialty crackers, goldfish crackers, townhouse crackers, soda oyster crackers, peanut butter, carrots and dip, cucumbers and dip, apple slices, grapes, strawberries, and oranges. We are required to serve a carb and a fruit for snack at all times, our juice is 100% fruit juice.
Child Safety
Child safety is undeniably our number one priority in our facility. It starts from the hiring process to consistent evaluations of the staff. Our facility is locked & allows entrance to only documented and approved guardians of the children. Our staff is also available with recorded supervision in case any question of endangerment for our children is posed. There is a zero tolerance policy when interfering with the safety of our children.
Nap hours are from 12:00 to 2:00.
Each child has their own cot and their own bin for extra clothes, blanket and a stuffed animal from home.
Program Costs
Preschool Full Time - $285.00 Ages 3 years old – weekly reserved
Pre-K Full Time - $280.00 Ages 4 and above
Preschool, Pre-K $80.00 per day
We offer Pre-K and Preschool 3 only programs as well, at our hourly rate of $11.85 per hour, with a minimum of 3 days a week – 8:30 – 11:30 am
We do allow weekly and daily reserved accounts.
Daily Rate Policies:
• We still require 3 days a week – either Pre-K only or full day Pre-K – for our students we
are prepping for kindergarten.
• There are no discounts for daily rates.
We do allow for flexibility – please discuss with our Administrator your needs.
All meals are included in daily and weekly care.
We do not charge a registration fee.
Due to space limitations and ODJFS licensing rules on student/teacher ratio – your space is reserved with us for your child. Payment is expected for ALL reserved days even if your child does not attend for any reason.
Weekly Reserved rates are paid every week regardless of attendance in that week – as it is a discounted rate for those who attend every day.
We are not a drop-in babysitting service and cannot be used in that manner.
We accept State Assisted Tuition where space is available.